Our annual Evening With Friends will be held on March 1st, from 5:30-9:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. There will be dinner, fellowship, and both a live and silent auction to support the Youth Ministry at FHBC. Click the button at the bootom of this page to purchase a ticket or stop by the Gathering Place before or after church starting February 2nd to buy a ticket in person.
If you or someone you know is interested in donating to the auction you can find a digital copy of the Auction Form HERE or pick up a physical copy in the Gathering Place (they will be on blue paper). Auction forms and any questions regarding auction items may be directed to Derek Graham at derekgraham99@earthlink.net.
Contact kevin@foresthills.org or call 919-801-0219 with questions or if you would be interested in volunteering for this event.
God has big plans for our Youth in the coming year, and we hope you will be a part of it! See you there!