Registration is Open!

Preschool Registration for the 2025/2026 school year will open to the community on Tuesday,  January 21st, 2025.

Contact Paige Eason at for a tour or to answer questions.

** Frog Class (2's Class) - Class is closed. Please join the waitlist for 2025/2026

Schedule a Tour Register

2024/2025 Events

(Days Highlighted in Pink are No Preschool Days)

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Camp Forest Hills
Register Today!!

Camp Forest Hills is Open, the price will be $160/week of camp.

  • There will be a nonrefundable $50 deposit required to reserve a spot per camper. Your space is not secured until you have paid this deposit (invoices will be sent via Procare)
  • Monday-Friday (9:00AM - 1:00PM)
  • We will provide a daily snack and campers will pack a nut-free lunch each day
  • Contact with any questions/concerns 


Who we are
  • Nationally recognized curriculum designed to meet individualized goals and prepare children for success in kindergarten

  • Caring, tenured teachers, and small class sizes

  • Enrichment programs include Music and Movement, Process Art and Science 

  • 3-hour day for 1-4 year-olds

  • Lunch bunch from 12:00 pm - 12:55 pm Monday-Thursday

  • Carpool pick-up is available for your children's safety and your convenience

  • Conscious Discipline

  • Incorporates the love of Christ through culture, community, and creativity

About us

Connections Preschool has been teaching children in Raleigh for over 10 years. We are a ministry of Forest Hills Baptist Church located near NC State University and Meredith College. We believe that children learn best through play, guided by teachers that care for and nurture them. We also believe that each preschooler and their family are special to God and are an important part of the Connections Preschool family. All are welcome here!


Learning Beyond Paper Curriculum

The Learning Beyond Curriculum includes over 4,000 daily activities for infants to pre-K. Each activity can be adjusted to meet an individual child’s learning level and goals. Active learning of STEAM- Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math throughout the curriculum because we know that hands-on means brains on. Learning Beyond provides children with the skills they need to thrive in today’s world, including collaboration, critical thinking, and problem-solving. This is all done through play-based learning!


Supporting young toddlers through Pre K


Young Toddlers:

The ages of 12 to 24 months bring about a flurry of activity, movement, language, and initial steps of independence as young toddlers continue their growth and learning. Everything is new and exciting, or a bit challenging and frustrating to toddlers. As a teacher of young toddlers, Learning Beyond helps by including practical, concrete learning opportunities for young toddlers while giving you as the teacher the knowledge to know if each child is at their developmental level, requires more opportunities for practice and your encouragement, and how a single activity can meet the needs of many young toddlers when teacher expectations are consistent with the child's age. Learning Beyond focuses on building practical skills, language, social and emotional learning - all with relationship-focused teaching and care at the heart.

Older Toddlers:

"I'm 2 now!" From 24 to 36 months, older toddlers show more and more independence when they have opportunities to do things for themselves and have logical consequences. Older toddlers are learning from their behaviors and choices, trying lots of new things, getting messy, and learning how to clean up. The "I" is strong with older toddlers as they begin friendships, strengthen relationships with teachers and other important adults, learn how to talk and communicate in more sophisticated ways, and have many chances to try experiences and activities under the supportive connection with you - their teachers! Learning Beyond helps you focus on scaffolding children's learning, your interactions and ways to build children's knowledge, and giving children choices and options to empower them.

Three Year Olds:

Three-year-olds are able to solve more and more problems, figure out unique ways to do something, and want to find out why - a lot! Learning Beyond helps you become a strong model, allowing children time to try and work through challenges while you ask important questions or provide support to children's learning. Children's skills in all developmental areas grow with these continued opportunities to be actively engaged in their learning and trusted as a learner. Learning Beyond provides quarterly benchmarks to help you stay focused on age-appropriate growth and excited learners.

Pre K 4:

Four-year-olds continue building on the skills they learned in preschool, building layers of learning and knowledge through practice and novel opportunities - all provided by you as their trusted model and guide. Some concepts previously introduced become easily understood due to continued hands-on learning and repeated opportunities to learn and practice. Children's development of language grows into more understanding of early reading and writing, in preparation for kindergarten. You as the teacher, learn how to introduce concepts in ways that make sense to the concrete mind of a pre-kindergartner. Through active learning and your supportive bond and scaffolding, pre-kindergartners build confidence, learn with their whole bodies, and thrive in a predictable, stable classroom environment where they can be independent and trusted learners. 


CONNECTION is so important!

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Conscious Discipline
Evidence-based Social Emotional Learning and Classroom Management Best Practices

Conscious Discipline is an evidence-based, trauma-informed approach. It is recognized by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration’s (SAMHSA’s) National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices (NREPP), and received high ratings in 8 of 10 categories in a Harvard analysis of the nation’s top 25 social-emotional learning programs. The Harvard study’s authors say, “Conscious Discipline provides an array of behavior management strategies and classroom structures that teachers can use to turn everyday situations into learning opportunities.”

Our core methodology is based on four essential components that are scientifically and practically designed for success:


The Conscious Discipline Brain State Model recognizes three basic brain / body / mind states likely to produce certain behaviors. Intentional, state- specific responses enable access to advanced skills.


The seven powers create a shift in the way adults see conflict so we can maintain composure and consciously respond to difficult situations. Adults’ ability to self-regulate is the precursor to teaching children social-emotional skills.


The School Family increases connections between adults and children at all levels, ensuring optimal development for all. A School Family culture is built through consistent modeling of routines, rituals and structures.


These seven skills transform everyday discipline issues into teachable moments, equipping children with the social-emotional and communication skills needed to manage themselves, resolve conflict and develop healthy behavior.