Illness Policy

Please consider the following guidelines when deciding whether your child is well enough to attend preschool.  Childhood illnesses are inevitable; however, your help will minimize the problem of spreading germs to classmates and teachers.  Therefore, we need your cooperation in keeping children home when they are sick.


  1. Children with a fever should remain at home until their temperature has remained normal for a full 24 hours (without medication for fever).

  2. Keep your child at home if he/she has an open cold sore, draining ear, strep throat, or new cold. Children who have the flu need to stay at home until they are fever free and symptom free.

  3. Please consult a physician whenever your child shows any of the following symptoms: rash, head lice, persistent sore throat or cough, redness or discharge in the eyes; and keep your child home until these symptoms cease.

  4. Please do not send your child to school with diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. If your child has any of these symptoms the night before, keep them home the next day.

  5. Let your child’s teacher know whenever your child has an infectious illness (i.e. chicken pox, hepatitis, head lice, etc.).

  6. Children with chicken pox should be kept at home for one week after the rash first appears and until all blisters are crusted over and dry.

  7. Children with head lice must be kept home until they have received professional treatment..

  8. Our classroom teachers are authorized to send home any child who is not well enough to be at school.

  9. If your child’s health is marginal, and you are not sure whether he or she should come to school, please be cautious and keep the child home. Our staff and the other children will appreciate your caution and compassion.


Extra Note:  If you are called to pick up a child at preschool, please come promptly.